So here goes another Super Bowl! And It looks like the star of the show is our Mr. Tom Brady! Now I know if you trash on Tom...you are a HATER! Tom is one of the greatest QB's of all time. He's the poster boy of good looks and raw talent....excuse me as I hurl a fucking lung! Now I HATE the Patriots but I have to give the team credit. They out played every team on their schedule and has marched their way into history.
But I dislike the Giants too. When Eli pulled the " Fuck you " on the Chargers a few years back to play in New York. I thought his ass was done for within a year. But he has managed to survive due to a shitty division and a whack ass schedule. But you have to give them credit. They beat the overhyped Cowboys and Packers on the road to get to the Super Bowl.
But despite it all. Tom is the main focus. So when the sports press jumped all over this ridiculous DRAMA with Tom was caught wearing a surgical boot. The press who must have been BORED because nothing was going on anywhere else. Jumped on this as if it was BIG NEWS!
Stop trying to push rating for this bore fest of a game. If the Giants win this game. I will dry hump Richard Simmons! It worse enough that Paula Abdul will have the nerves to sing. That should be something to see because the BOOS will be heard all the way to L.A! So get ready for more Tom Brady this year. We have yet to have seen the last of this cave man looking punk gracing our T.V screens!